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Expert · 5.4k answers · 5k people helped
This question requires understanding of what happens to light when it encounters a new medium. When light striking a new medium, it falls on three main interactions which are similar in all waves. A. Amplification: This term means to increase amplitude or intake of something. It is not associated with light behavior on coming encounter with a new medium instead this term more commonly used in sound, signal processing or electronics engineering. B. Refraction: This is the bending of a wave when it enters a medium where its speed is different. CLEARLY, it's a possible behaviour of light when striking a new medium.C. Absorption: It refers to the way a light wave can be absorbed by matter. It can indeed occur when light strikes a new medium.D. Reflection: This happens when the light wave bounces off the surface, a common occurrence when light strikes a new medium.The premise of the question is asking for the option that can NOT happen when light strikes a new medium which means the correct answer is the one that wrongly explain the behavior of light when strikes a new medium.
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