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Expert · 4.8k answers · 4k people helped
Butenes june cannisa Oja yuna leftnehe calber otta shorts lore
The question seems to be a jumbled sentence that needs to be rearranged to make sense. The task is to unscramble the words to form a coherent sentence. The words provided are: "lores", "shorts", "Butenes", "june", "cannisa", "Oja", "yuna", "leftnehe", and "calber otta". Upon examining the words, it appears that "Butenes" and "june" are proper nouns, possibly referring to a person and a month, respectively. The word "cannisa" seems to be a proper noun as well, possibly referring to a place. The other words do not seem to fit into the context of the sentence. The words "lores" and "shorts" could be rearranged to form "shorts lore", which could be a title or a phrase. The words "Oja", "yuna", "leftnehe", and "calber otta" could be rearranged to form "Oja yuna leftnehe calber otta", which could be a proper noun referring to a place or a person's name. Therefore, the rearranged sentence could be: "Butenes june cannisa Oja yuna leftnehe calber otta shorts lore".
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