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B. An overrepresentation of families in poverty and families of colorQuestion 7:As mandated reporters, you must use critical thinking when deciding whether to call in a report. Critical thinking includes:ăExplanationă: Critical thinking for mandated reporters involves assessing the situation thoroughly, considering the context, and evaluating the evidence before deciding to make a report. It requires careful consideration of the potential impact on the child and family, distinguishing between genuine concerns and biases, and ensuring that reports are made based on objective observations rather than preconceived notions or assumptions.ăAnsweră: The critical thinking process for mandated reporters involves a thorough evaluation of the situation, consideration of contextual factors, and ensuring that reports are made based on objective observations rather than biases.
The research on bias in the child welfare system consistently indicates that families of color are overrepresented, often facing disproportionate scrutiny. This stems from systemic issues and stereotypes. Families in poverty, especially those of color, are more likely to be subject to biased decisions, impacting their experiences within the child welfare system. It is essential to acknowledge and address these biases to ensure fair and equitable treatment.
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