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C. Lawmakers must consider climate change when making decisions about energy projects.
The Held v. State of Montana lawsuit was a significant environmental case that addressed the state's obligations regarding climate change. The case was brought by young activists who argued that Montana's energy policies were contributing to climate change and violating their constitutional rights. The court's decision in this case led to an important policy change regarding how the state must approach energy-related decisions.The correct policy change ordered as a result of this lawsuit was that lawmakers must consider climate change when making decisions about energy projects. This ruling represents a shift in how the state must evaluate and approve energy-related initiatives, requiring them to take into account the potential impact on climate change.The other options presented are incorrect:- Montana officials were not ordered to stop encouraging energy companies to do business in the state.- The ruling did not directly mandate that energy companies in Montana must reduce their carbon dioxide emissions.- The decision did not result in a blanket ban on new coal or natural gas projects in the state.
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