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Expert · 3.2k answers · 3k people helped
1. A - Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition2. B - Niche market exploration3. C - Entrepreneurial motivation4. D - Imitation and learning
1. **A small business starts an online store:** This illustrates the trend of exploring new entrepreneurial opportunities in the online market, indicating **Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition**.2. **A manager leaves a large restaurant chain to start her own cafe:** This example suggests the trend of individuals identifying a specific market niche, showcasing **Niche market exploration**.3. **Disappointed because he has not been offered a job that matches his qualifications, a Hispanic man starts his own business:** This reflects the entrepreneurial trend driven by personal motivations, highlighting **Entrepreneurial motivation**.4. **Adam's sister started a business and made it profitable, so Adam believes he can do the same:** This demonstrates the trend of learning and imitating successful entrepreneurial ventures, indicating **Imitation and learning**.
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