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Noun Phrase: My cat, the mouse, under the rug, the angry cat. Verb Phrase: chased, hid, frustrated, stalked off.
In the given sentences, we are asked to to identify whether the underlined phrases are nou phrases or verb phrases. A nou phrase is a phrse that has a nou as its head or perfms the same grammatical function as such a phrse. A verb phrase is a phrse that consists of a verb and its dependents, except for the subject. 1. "My cat" is a nou phrase because "cat" is the nou which is the head of the phrase, and "My" is a possessive adjective modifying the nou "cat".2. "Chased" is a verb phrase. In this case, it is a single-word phrase consisting of the verb "chased" which indicates the action performed by the subject "My cat".3. "The mouse" is a nou phrase with "mouse" as the head of the phrase, and "the" is a definite article modifying the nou "mouse".4. "Hid" is a verb phrase, representing the action performed by "the mouse". It is a single-word phrase consisting of the verb "hid".5. "Under the rug" is a nou phrase where "rug" is the nou and "under the" is a prepositional phrase indicating the location of the nou "rug".6. "Frustrated" is a verb phrase, representing the state of the subject, "the angry cat". It is a single-word phrase consisting of the verb "frustrated".7. "The angry cat" is a nou phrase with "cat" as the head of the phrase, and "the angry" is a combintion of a definite article and an adjective modifying the nou "cat".8. "Stalked off" is a verb phrase, representing the action performed by "the angry cat". It is a two-word phrase consisting of the verb "stalked" and the adverb "off" modifying the verb "stalked".Therefore, the nou phrases are "My cat", "the mouse", "under the rug", and "the angry cat". The verb phrases are "chased", "hid", "frustrated", and "stalked off".
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