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A discrete graph is a graph that is made up of distinct, separate values. In other words, the values it represents are distinct and separate from each other. Option A: Kiley bought a platter for 19 and several matching bowls that were 19 and several matching bowls that were 8 each. This situation can be represented by a discrete graph because the number of bowls Kiley buys is a whole number. Each additional bowl increases the total cost by a distinct amount ($8).Option B: The temperature at 9am was 83°F and is heating up at an average rate of 6°F per hour. This situation cannot be represented by a discrete graph because the temperature is continuously increasing.Option C: Juan ate an egg with 78 calories and some cereal with 10 calories per serving for breakfast. This situation cannot be represented by a discrete graph because the number of servings of cereal Juan eats is not necessarily a whole number.Option D: A bottle contained 2,000 mL of liquid and is being poured out at an average rate of 30 mL per second. This situation cannot be represented by a discrete graph because the amount of liquid being poured out is continuously decreasing.Therefore, the correct answer is A.
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