
Asked By FrostyMoonlight95 at
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B, E
The presidential election of 1976 was between Democrat Jimmy Carter and incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford. Ford was the first incumbent president never to be elected for either presidency or vice presidency, as he was appointed to the presidency upon the resignation of Richard Nixon. Among the options provided, two reasons most stand out for how Jimmy Carter won the 1976 elections:B. Voters were angry at President Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon: Ford's decision to pardon Nixon for his involvement in the Watergate scandal angered many American voters. The act was seen as corrupt and led to a palpable sense of betrayal among the people. This was a significant factor in turning voter sentiment against Ford and towards Carter, who represented a break from the political fallout of the Watergate scandal.E. Voters felt that Carter was more honest than Washington politicians: A noteworthy aspect of Jimmy Carter's political persona was his 'outsider' status. Coming from the relatively modest background of a peanut farmer and carrying a reputation for integrity and honesty, many Americans were attracted to his image. Carter capitalized on this credibility gap and snowballing public disillusionment with the Washington political machine, favorably contrasting his own character and political style against those tarnished by the effects of Watergate and an increasing sense of political partisanship. His campaign emphasized themes of honesty and integrity, and the people perceived him as a welcome and necessary step away from the scandal-ridden Nixon and Ford years.
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