
Asked By FrostBite26 at
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Expert · 3.7k answers · 3k people helped
A. have the maximum number of electrons in their outermost shells.
Neon and krypton are both noble gases, which are known for their low reactivity. The low reactivity of noble gases is due to their electron configurations. They have a full valence shell, meaning they have the maximum number of electrons in their outermost shells. This full valence shell is a stable configuration, and atoms with such a configuration do not readily react with other substances. The fact that they are gases at room temperature is a physical property and does not directly relate to their reactivity. The tendency to donate electrons to other atoms easily would make them reactive, which is the opposite of what is observed for neon and krypton. Lastly, the availability of these gases in Earth's atmosphere is not the reason for their low reactivity; it is a result of their stability and non-reactivity.
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