
Asked By EnchantedForest78 at
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The divisions between communists and democracies led to the split of Korea at the 38th parallel with a communist regime in North Korea and a democratic regime in South Korea. The communist nations of China and the USSR aided the North Koreans in the war, while the United States aided the South Koreans. Korea remains divided today.The Southeastern nation of Vietnam also fought a war to establish communism. Before the war broke out, France was an imperial power in Vietnam. The communists in Vietnam were led by Ho Chi Minh and called the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The United States entered the war to try to contain the spread of communism, but Vietnam remains a communist country.Weapons proliferation continued throughout the Cold War. The island nation of Cuba became communist and allowed the Soviet leader to place nuclear weapons on the island, pointed at the USA in 1962. US President John Kennedy became worried about the situation. This standoff became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, the idea of Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD, helped prevent a nuclear war from ever being fought during the Cold War.In summary, the Cold War was characterized by political, military, and ideological tensions between communists and democracies, leading to conflicts such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The proliferation of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear war were managed through the concept of MAD, which ultimately prevented a nuclear war from occurring.
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