
Asked By MidnightWhisper29 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 3.2k answers · 3k people helped
1. Documentation can be used for legal purposes as long as it is recent and includes only **stand** (should be "accurate").2. A sentinel event (SE) is any unfavorable event that is unexpected and results in **unremarkab** (should be "significant") physical or psychological injury.3. Use at least four ways to identify patients when providing laboratory services.4. A CAP-certified laboratory also meets Medicare/Medicaid standards because CLIA grants I (mutual exchange of privileges) to CAP in the area of laboratory regulations.5. CLSI's mission is to develop clinical and laboratory programs and promote their **curriculun** (should be "guidelines") worldwide.6. Quality indicators must be measurable, well defined, subjective, and nonspecific.7. Instructions on how to prepare a patient for testing can be found by checking the **labor** (should be "laboratory") manual.8. The Joint Commission moved toward stricter patient ID requirements by their revision 2009.9. Phlebotomist must "actively involve" nurses in their identification process during any collection.10. OSHA regulations require every business to have an infection control manual.11. An IQCP form is to be completed when an occupational injury or exposure occurs.12. Patient confidentiality is protected under federal law.
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