
Asked By RadiantSun88 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 2.1k answers · 2k people helped
16. a) True17. b) False18. b) False19. d) All of the above20. c) Have as much empathy for others as possible and do not negatively react
16. This question is about traffic rules and and regulations. The statement is true, as it is generally forbidden to park in construction areas for safety reasons.17. This question is about understanding traffic rules and regulations. The statement is false, as controlled intersections are those that have traffic signals or signs to control the flow of traffic.18. This question is about understanding traffic laws related to alcohol. The statement is false, as anyone in the vehicle can be charged with an offense if there are open containers of alcohol.19. This question is about understanding road markings and their meanings. All the options given (double lines, solid lines, and broken lines) can indicate maximum or special restrictions on the road.20. This question is about understanding how to respond to road rage. The best counteraction to road rage is to have as much empathy for others as possible and not to negatively react.
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