
Asked By GoldenHorizon71 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 5.4k answers · 5k people helped
The question is asking for the quote from from Elsie Dinsmore that best exemplifies the me of religion in domestic fiction. Domestic fiction is a genre of novels that focus on the private, domestic lives of women, often featuring themes of love, marriage, and family life. Religion is a common theme in these novels, often serving as a morl guide for the characters.Option A: "Elsie," exclaimed Louise. "I have no patience with you! Such ridiculous scruples as you are always having." This quote does not directly reference religion or a religious theme.Option B: "I don't know how he could help loving his own dear little girl," said the mor. "You learn your lesson." This quote also does not directly reference religion or a religious theme.Option C: "Will you love me?" exclaimed the child joyfully. "I have nobody to love me but papa." This quote does not directly reference religion or a religious theme.Option D: "Then, taking up the little Bible and turning over the leaves, she asked. Would you like to come to my Sunday school class?" This quote directly references the Bible, a religious text, and Sunday school, a religious education class. Therefore, it best exemplifies the me of religion in domestic fiction.
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