Asked By WhisperingSkyline26 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 2.6k answers · 2k people helped
Explanation: Step 1: Understanding the Terminology To understand where the angle of the mandible is, we first need to know about the terms 'posterior edge of ramus' and 'edge of body'. The mandible is the lower jawbone, and it has two main parts: the body, which is the horizontal part, and the ramus, which is the vertical part that connects to the body. Step 2: Identifying the Posterior Edge of Ramus The posterior edge of ramus is the rear (or back) edge of the vertical part of the mandible. This is the part of the jaw that rises vertically from the body. Step 3: Identifying the Edge of Body The edge of body is the part where the horizontal part of the mandible (the body) meets the vertical part (the ramus). Step 4: Locating the Angle of the Mandible The angle of the mandible is the point where the posterior edge of the ramus and the edge of the body meet. Answer: The angle of the mandible is where the posterior edge of the ramus and the edge of the body meet.
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