
Asked By CrystalCove96 at
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Expert · 5.9k answers · 5k people helped
Let's analyze each statement:(A) Butyrate is indeed a short-chain fatty acid produced by gut bacteria during the degradation of undigested plant material. This statement is TRUE.(B) Waxes consist of a long-chain fatty acid bonded to a long-chain alcohol, and they are indeed insoluble in water. This statement is TRUE.(C) Phospholipids do resemble triglycerides, but in phospholipids, one fatty acid is replaced with a phosphate group. This statement is TRUE.(D) Steroids have a different structure from typical lipids, but they are classified as lipids because they are insoluble in water. This statement is TRUE.(E) Short-chain fatty acids do contain five or fewer carbon atoms, and they may indeed reduce the risk of colon cancer. This statement is TRUE.So, the FALSE statement regarding lipids is:(D) Steroids differ in structure from lipids but are classified as such because they are insoluble in water.
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