
Asked By GoldenLily32 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 3.2k answers · 3k people helped
This question is about handling a potentially problematic situation in a professional setting. Julien, as a DOD program manager, has accepted a friend request from a woman on social media and they have been chatting frequently. The woman's messages have shifted from being unrelated to his work to asking increasingly direct questions about his work. The best response would be the one that promotes professional conduct and adheres to the organization's policies. Deleting their chats or ignoring her might not be the best options as they do not address the potential issue. Asking his coworkers if they've received direct messages might not provide a definitive answer. The best option would be to report it, as the woman may be part of a broader effort to gather information about DOD programs. This is a proactive and responsible approach to handling potential security threats in a professional setting.
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