
Asked By PhoenixRising65 at
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1) R2) R3) I4) I5) I6) R7) R8) R9) R10) R11) R12) R13) R14) R15) I16) R17) R18) R19) R20) R
1) The square root of 81 is 9, which is a whole number. Therefore, it is rational.2) 56.5191 is a terminating decimal, which means it can be expressed as a fraction. Therefore, it is rational.3) The square root of 83 is a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal. Therefore, it is irrational.4) 24π represents 24 times the value of pi. Pi is a known irrational number. Therefore, 24π is irrational.5) 90.790170….. suggests a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal. Therefore, it is irrational.6) 60/52 can be expressed as a fraction, so it is rational.7) 70.300722 is a terminating decimal, so it is rational.8) 22 is a whole number, so it is rational.9) 14 is a whole number, so it is rational.10) 22/38 can be expressed as a fraction, so it is rational.11) 23/24 can be expressed as a fraction, so it is rational.12) 46.547415 is a terminating decimal, so it is rational.13) The square root of 64 is 8, which is a whole number. Therefore, it is rational.14) 8/14 can be expressed as a fraction, so it is rational.15) The square root of 109 is a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal. Therefore, it is irrational.16) 82.208701 is a terminating decimal, so it is rational.17) 11.23654 is a terminating decimal, so it is rational.18) The square root of 100 is 10, which is a whole number. Therefore, it is rational.19) 55/51 can be expressed as a fraction, so it is rational.20) 19.525305 is a terminating decimal, so it is rational.
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