Asked By RadiantSkyline44 at
Answered By Expert
Expert ยท 2.6k answers ยท 2k people helped
1. u 2. v 3. m 4. m
1. Table sugar, also known as sucrose, is a pure substance because it consists of only one type of molecule, which is sucrose.2. A chicken breast is not a pure substance. It contains a combination of proteins, fats, water, and minerals, making it a mixture of these elements.3. A piece of wood is a mixture. Wood is composed of cellulose fibers held together by a natural glue called lignin. It also contains water, air, and extractives, making it a complex mixture of substances.4. Iced tea is a mixture. It is made by dissolving tea leaves in water, often with added sugar and flavorings. Therefore, it contains multiple substances and is classified as a mixture.The accurate answers are: 1. u 2. v 3. m 4. m
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