
Asked By MysticVoyage43 at
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C, D
Reptiles have developed several reproductive adaptations that allow them to reproduce in dry conditions. 1. Larvae with gills: This is not an adaptation for dry conditions. In fact, gills are adapted for aquatic environments as they facilitate the exchange of gases in water. Therefore, this option is not correct.2. Eggs without shells: This is also not an adaptation for dry conditions. In fact, having a shell is an adaptation for dry conditions as it provides a protective barrier against desiccation. Therefore, this option is not correct.3. Amniotic egg: This is an adaptation for dry conditions. The amniotic egg, which is an egg with a protective shell, allows the embryo to develop in a moist environment within the shell, thus protecting it from desiccation. Therefore, this option is correct.4. Internal fertilization: This is also an adaptation for dry conditions. Internal fertilization allows the sperm to reach the egg in a moist environment within the body of the female, thus protecting it from desiccation. Therefore, this option is correct.In conclusion, the aspects of reptile reproduction that are adapted to dry conditions are the amniotic egg and internal fertilization.
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