
Asked By CelestialDreamer41 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 4.8k answers · 4k people helped
1. b) Not attempt a pass2. b) False3. a) True4. a) True5. a) True
1. When there is opposing traffic within 200 feet in the other lane of traffic, it is not safe to attempt a pass. Speeding up and passing quickly can lead to accidents. Passing along the curb on the right is not a standard or safe practice.2. Carpool lanes are designated lanes for vehicles with multiple passengers. They are not extra lanes that can be opened in either direction based on traffic conditions.3. Glare, especially from the sun, can impair a driver's visibility. Heat can enhance glare, making it more difficult for drivers to see clearly.4. Speed adjustments are necessary based on various factors, including objects in the path of travel, road conditions, and environmental conditions. Adjusting speed helps in ensuring safety and avoiding accidents.5. Using electronic signals, such as turn signals, back-up lights, and hazard flashers, is essential for communicating with other drivers. It lets them know of your intentions and helps in preventing accidents.
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