
Asked By FrostyVoyage22 at
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Expert · 2.6k answers · 2k people helped
A. Incident Commander or Unified Command
The question is asking who is responsible for establishing the objectives that guide the incident operations. The options provided are the Incident Commander or Unified Command, Operations Section Chief, Agency Administrator, and Planning Section Chief. In the context of incident management, the Incident Commander or Unified Command is the entity that has the overall responsibility for the incident. They are responsible for developing and implementing the incident action plan, which includes the objectives that drive the incident operations. The Operations Section Chief, Agency Administrator, and Planning Section Chief all play important roles in the incident management process, but they do not have the authority to establish the incident objectives. The Operations Section Chief is responsible for carrying out the incident action plan, the Agency Administrator may provide support and resources, and the Planning Section Chief is responsible for developing the incident action plan and maintaining incident documentation. However, the establishment of the objectives is the responsibility of the Incident Commander or Unified Command.
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