
Asked By CrystalDreamer78 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 5.4k answers · 5k people helped
Seagrasses provide habitats for marine life and improve water quality.
This question is asking us to identify the true statement about seagrasses. The options given are: human activities have little impact on seagrasses, seagrasses provide habitats for marine life and improve water quality, seagrasses need little sunlight to grow, and seagrasses are found primarily in deep waters. Firstly, human activities have a significant impact on seagrasses. Pollution, coastal development, and destructive fishing practices all contribute to the decline of seagrass meadows. So, the first statement is false.Secondly, seagrasses do provide habitats for marine life and improve water quality. They form extensive underwater meadows that are home to a wide variety of marine species. They also absorb and store carbon dioxide, which helps to improve water quality. So, the second statement is true.Thirdly, seagrasses need a lot of sunlight to grow. They are photosynthetic organisms, which means they use sunlight to make their own food. So, the third statement is false.Lastly, seagrasses are not found primarily in deep waters. They are usually found in shallow, coastal waters where sunlight can reach them. So, the fourth statement is false.
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