
Asked By ShadowHunter19 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 4.8k answers · 4k people helped
The scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat is *Eudyptula minor*.
The Australian animal known for its remarkable ability to change appearance when removed from its natural habitat is the *Eudyptula minor*, commonly known as the Little Penguin or Fairy Penguin. In biological taxonomy, the genus name comes first followed by the species name. In this case, "Eudyptula" is the genus name and "minor" is the species name. So in "Eudyptula minor," "Eudyptula" refers to the genus while "minor" is the species of the animal. Thus, the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance is *Eudyptula minor*.
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