Asked By CosmicWanderer37 at
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Expert · 1.5k answers · 1k people helped
Explanation: Step1: Understanding the questionThis is a multiple-choice question pertaining to the service sector, particularly about the various types of official documents utilized in the industry. The word "uptimes" refers to the amount of time a service is available to a user, and an agreement on this would typically be cemented within a formal document between involved parties. Therefore, the question asks us to identify the right document which covers this topic among the provided options. Step2: Analyzing the optionsAmong the given options, we have:- A. MOU: Memorandum of Understanding, a document that details the intention of all parties involved. Generally does not cover the operational details such as uptimes.- B. BYOD: Bring Your Own Device, a policy allowing employees to bring their personal computing devices to work. This clearly does not pertain to uptimes.- C. SLA: Service Level Agreement, a document that defines the level of service expected by a customer from a supplier. This would usually specify uptime quantities or percentages.- D. NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement, a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship. This deals only with the confidentiality aspects, but not uptimes. Step3: Choosing the correct optionFrom the above analysis, we can ascertain that the Service Level Agreement (SLA) is the document where the uptimes agreed upon by involved parties would be documented, as it details the level of service expected from a service provider. Answer: C. SLA
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