
Asked By FrostyMorning76 at
Answered By Expert

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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Identify the Issue
A parse error when multiplying Price by Quantity typically occurs due to data type incompatibility or formatting issues in the input data.
Step 2: Check Data Types
Ensure that both Price and Quantity are numerical data types (e.g., integers or decimals) for multiplication to work correctly.
Step 3: Verify Data Format
Check if the Price and Quantity values are formatted correctly without any special characters, symbols, or text that could cause parsing errors.
Step 4: Resolve Data Inconsistencies
If there are any inconsistencies in the data types or formats, correct them to ensure that the multiplication operation can be performed without errors.
Final Answer
To avoid a parse error when multiplying Price by Quantity, ensure that both values are numerical data types and are formatted correctly for mathematical operations. Data inconsistencies or formatting issues can lead to parsing errors, hindering the multiplication process.
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