
Asked By CrystalCove96 at
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To accurately answer the question about the type of democracy in Rome, we need to analyze the characteristics of the Roman political system.
Solution By Steps
Step 1: Define Direct and Indirect Democracy
Direct democracy involves citizens participating directly in the decision-making process, while indirect democracy (also known as representative democracy) involves citizens electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
Step 2: Analyze the Roman Political System
In ancient Rome, the political system was a mix of both direct and indirect elements. The Roman Republic had a system where citizens were involved in some decisions through assemblies (direct), but also elected officials such as consuls, praetors, and tribunes to represent them and make decisions (indirect).
Step 3: Determine the Type of Democracy in Rome
Given that the Roman system involved both direct participation in some decisions and indirect representation through elected officials, it can be classified as an indirect democracy primarily, with some elements of direct democracy.
Final Answer
The democracy in place in Rome was considered indirect, meaning that people elected their leaders.
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