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based on the values in cells A51:A55, what formula can you copy paste to cells B51:B55

Asked By StormySeas69 at

Answered By Expert


Expert · 1.5k answers · 1k people helped

To provide a formula that can be copied from cells B51 to B55 based on the values in cells A51 to A55, we need to determine what operation or calculation is required. Since the specific operation is not mentioned, I will assume a simple example where you want to double the values in column A. Here's how you can set up the formula:

#### Solution By Steps

***Step 1: Define the Operation***

Determine the operation you want to perform on the values in column A. In this example, we will double the values.

***Step 2: Write the Formula***

Write a formula in cell B51 that references the corresponding cell in column A and performs the desired operation. For doubling, the formula would be `=2*A51`.

***Step 3: Copy the Formula***

Copy the formula from cell B51 to cells B52:B55. This can be done by dragging the fill handle (small square at the bottom right corner of the cell) down to B55.

#### Final Answer

The formula to be copied to cells B51:B55 is `=2*A51`. This formula will double the values in column A for each corresponding cell in column B.