Asked By ShadowDancer67 at
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#### Solution By Steps
***Step 1: Identify the Impact of Minimum Wages***
Minimum wages can lead to either a shortage or a surplus of labor in a market.
***Step 2: Define Frictional Unemployment***
Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals are temporarily between jobs or are entering the workforce.
***Step 3: Define Structural Unemployment***
Structural unemployment arises from a mismatch between the skills of the labor force and the requirements of the job market.
***Step 4: Connect Minimum Wages to Unemployment Types***
Minimum wages creating a surplus of labor leads to structural unemployment, while a shortage of labor results in frictional unemployment.
#### Final Answer
Minimum wages creating a surplus of labor leads to structural unemployment. Therefore, the correct option is d. surplus of labor. Unemployment of this type is called structural.
#### Key Concept
Minimum Wage Impact
#### Key Concept Explanation
Minimum wages can either create a surplus or a shortage of labor, affecting the type of unemployment in the market. Surplus of labor due to minimum wages typically leads to structural unemployment.
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