Asked By SolarEclipse30 at
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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Discussion about weapons control and the signing of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty
This reflects détente as it involves negotiations on arms control, a key aspect of easing tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.
Step 2: An increase in television coverage in the Soviet Union and increased antiwar protests in the United States
This does not directly reflect détente as it does not involve diplomatic agreements or actions between the two nations.
Step 3: President Nixon’s claims of executive privilege
This does not directly reflect détente as it pertains to domestic governance issues, not international relations.
Step 4: Henry Kissinger’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize
This reflects détente as it recognizes efforts towards peace, which aligns with the spirit of easing tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.
Final Answer
Discussion about weapons control and the signing of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty and Henry Kissinger’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize reflect the détente between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1970s.
Key Concept
Key Concept Explanation
Détente refers to the easing of strained relations, particularly in the context of international diplomacy, often involving negotiations, treaties, and efforts towards peace to reduce tensions between conflicting nations.
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