
Asked By MidnightWhisper29 at
Answered By Expert

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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Define Equilibrium Quantity
Equilibrium quantity is the quantity of a good or service bought and sold at the equilibrium price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
Step 2: Impact of Demand Increase, Supply Unchanged
When demand increases and supply remains unchanged, the equilibrium quantity will increase.
Step 3: Impact of Demand Unchanged, Supply Decrease
If demand does not change and supply decreases, the equilibrium quantity will decrease.
Step 4: Impact of Both Demand and Supply Decrease
When both demand and supply decrease, the equilibrium quantity will decrease.
Final Answer
Equilibrium quantity must decrease when demand increases and supply does not change, when demand does not change and supply decreases, and when both demand and supply decrease.
Key Concept
Equilibrium Quantity Changes
Key Concept Explanation
Changes in demand and supply impact the equilibrium quantity. When demand increases and supply remains constant, or when supply decreases regardless of demand changes, the equilibrium quantity decreases.
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